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Operator Reachtruck, Heftruck



T&S Group is an employment agency with multiple years of experience (the group possesses the KRAZ 3745 certificate).
Job description:
Reachtruck/Heftruck operator in an electronic equipment warehouse,
work with a scanner, transport of shipments/orders with the fork-lift in between the departments
collecting orders and other warehouse works
possible work at packaging of electronic equipment, scanning of products, wrapping pallets in film, preparation for shipment
Reachtruck or heftruck operator certificate (please include scans of certificates during registration),
experience as a Reachtruck / heftruck operator (min. 2 years),
good proficiency in the English language,
lack of entries in the National Criminal Register (certificate of no criminal record),
B category driving license is welcome,
We offer:
work in a prestigious company with the opportunity of occupational development
opportunity of long-term cooperation
good remuneration with possible raise
work in a nice and friendly environment
guardianship of Polish residents.
Additional information:
The first applications to be reviewed during the recruitment process are the ones sent via the form at the www.tnsgroup.pl and fulfilling the required criteria. The CV must include the scan of a fork-lift operator certificate and the certificate of no criminal record.

Informacje o og³oszeniodawcy:

Og³oszenie dodane przez: TnS Group - statystyki og³oszeñ
Telefon: 77 456 16 06
E-Mail: Kontakt z og³oszeniodawc±

W przypadku kontaktu ze sprzedającym, prosimy o powołanie się na serwis www.widlaki.pl. Dziêkujemy.

Szczegó³y og³oszenia

Numer og³oszenia : 10965
Data dodania/aktualizacji: 2017.06.28

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